Wednesday, March 25, 2009

meeting the family

I never really have had the big of a family its always been just been my family and grandparents and my moms brothers family. we have every holiday together and spend a lot of weekends with each other so were all very close. But I do have other family that lives in Missouri. Ive only meet them once before and that was when i was five. Now i was 16 its been over eleven years since i have seen my cousin we are about the same age and my mom said when we were younger that we go along very well. She told me that he was coming to stay with us for two weeks and that he was staying in my room since we were so close in age. I wasnt to happy about this because i didnt really know him yes he's family, but he's still a stranger to me because I've only met him once and that was eleven years ago so i don't really remember him. So I was just hoping that he wasnt a werido. The time came when he got here he was a big kid and i wondered what the feed these kids down south because he was 6'4 240 pounds and a year younger then me. He talked with a southern accent that i didnt like because it was very irratating. He was amazed by how close everything was with eachother because where he came from there was only 66 people in his town and there was only a diner in town and other then that you had to go 20 miles just to get to any other store. He was into a lot of weird things he had a lot of weird habbits that no one i knew did or had. So he was a lot different from me. The 2 weeks were almost up and we were getting pretty close all his weird habbits came acustome to me we were starting to become best friends. The time came for him to get back on a flight to Missouri. I was upset at first because over those two weeks we had become best friends and with him gone it was like i was losing a part of me. But a couple days went by and then i was kind of happy he was gone i got my room back so i always had privacy. I didn't have someone following me around all the time. I also realized that he may have went back to his home but that, that friendship would never end because we were family and family always keeps intouch we may not be with eachother for another eleven years but i know when we get back together it will be like we havent left each others side for those eleven years.

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